Tuesday, March 10, 2015


April is coming!  Our theme for the month is The Earth.  We will be learning about dirt/mud, plants, recycling,
Some fun art and activities I have planned are:

  • ·        Mud
  • ·        Planting
  • ·        Recycling
  • ·        Trees
  • ·        Coffee filter earths

We will be making art using recyclable materials and practice recycling.  I could use your help!  Please bring in recyclable bottles (milk, soda, and juice), junk mail, newspaper, toilet paper and paper towel tubes, cereal or other food product boxes.

A fun activity ‘clean mud’ I will be following the instructions from Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails (in case you would like to make some at home).  A great sensory activity exploring texture.

We will be planting seeds and watching them grow.  If you are available to help on Wednesday April 22 (please let me know) with planting our garden would be much appreciated.  If you have paper egg cartons please bring them in.

We will be making this craft from Glued to My Crafts using egg cartons as well. 

Our sensory table will contain dirt, exploring it both dry and wet.  Mid month it will change to rocks in various sizes


Please remember as the weather warms your child will still need appropriate outdoor gear (hat, mittens, jacket, shoes, and possibly boots).  It is still chilly outside when we play. 

As the season progresses feel free to bring in sunscreen for your child to wear.  Just fill out the topical lotion form by the door and have the sunscreen bottle and baggie labeled (with your child’s name: first and last) and give to a staff member.  No spray sunscreen is allowed.

A footwear reminder:  All students must have footwear other than boots (snow and rain) for indoors.  All footwear should be closed toe, to best protect your child’s feet.  Crocks are also not allowed.  

Spring is in the air!

As the weather warms, and we prepare for the fun of lots of outdoor activities!  Out come the bubbles, balls, and bikes!  I am looking forward to the many adventures of the season!  

Upcoming fun to be had:
  • puddle jumping!
  • rainbows
  • snow
  • rain
  • fog
  • stars
  • sun
  • St. Patrick's Day
           We will be making hand print rainbows.  I will be using the project to explore colors, numbers, and textures.  

          We will count rain drops and stars, do art with cotton ball snow, and shape suns. Some activities are puddle jumping, building a "snow fort", building rainbow, fly a kite, fly paper airplanes, and many more activities. 

          We will be making a collage using all things green (ribbon, pom poms, buttons, paper, paint, markers, crayons, stickers, etc) to celebrate St. Patrick's day.  Don't for get to wear green!

          Another project will be apple stamping shamrocks found on Crafty Morning

          We will also be exploring the letters D, P, R, and S this month, exploring the sounds and words that begin with D,P, R, and S.